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what it is:            

household ink is a little record label with a few big ideas. It started out in 1987 as the in-house label for the new music combo Headless Household. Now, Household Ink is also a growing, thriving micro-conduit for assorted groups, including Julie Christensen,David Piltch, Zen Horse Repair, Natalie D-Napoleon,  Dudley, Nate Birkey, flapping, Flapping, Joe Woodard, Shelly Rudolph, Richard Dunlap, Lean-To, Brad Rabuchin, Jeff Elliott, Cara Tower, Brad Dutz, Fringe Deities, and Jennifer Terran.

Ideas are flung about. Genres stretch--new music, folk, rock, jazz, and an operative otherness. Forward motion is valued, as well as thinking in a sideways fashion. Somewhere, amidst confusion and polyism, come little moments of clarity and potential humor.

ALSO: check out our Outpost page, offering projects of note by non-Household Ink artists who we know and love and think you will like-wise... i.e. Wasted Tape, Tracker, Buckley V. Valeo, jazz singer Jerome Smith's debut, The Rev. ...the 1993 cult classic Lumpy Bumpy, by singer-songwriter-guitarman-ruffian Rob Taylor, is also available through Household Ink...



Household Ink

P.O. Box 2093

Santa Barbara, CA 93120


last modified: july 14, 2011