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This self-described "neo-fusion" band played sporadically and had an ambivalent relationship with the idea of a binding stylistic description, since 1992. The band started a hiatus when founding member Brad Rabuchin joined Ray Charles' band...
Lean-To's debut CD, Malarchitecture, features guest cameos by great Brazilian percussionist Airto Moreira, singers Glen Phillips and Ellen Turner (on "The Kindness of Strangers) and Bruce Winter (on "Hungry Ghosts"), and tuba-ist Trey Henry. At root, it's a two-guitar band with a multiple personality condition. Check out their or the Splendid e-zine review.
Lean-To is: Brad Rabuchin, guitar and guitar synthesizer, Joe Woodard, guitars, Bob Mair, bass (or other pinch-hitters), and Tom Lackner, drums. Rabuchin is a busy fellow, plectricizing around Los Angeles , while Mair keeps busy in a delirious plenitude of areas, including work with the noted Nels Cline Trio. Lackner and Woodard keep off and on the streets of Santa Barbara.
"It's as if rock-period Brian Eno and Frank Zappa at his kookiest were fighting over the radio dial. Lean-To offer up a unique, and not unpleasing, mix of the accessible and the avant-garde. A more grounded drummer would find them on poppier ground than they may want to inhabit."
--blurb from www.listen.com
Lean-To, Malarchitecture
$12. (postage paid), HI-121
1. Lincoln Logs (Woodard) (mp3) 2. Goleta Factor (Woodard) 3. Memory Garden (Lean-To) 4. The Beauty of Nuts (Woodard); Ellen Turner, vocal, Airto Moreira, percussion (mp3) 5. Luxury of Time (Woodard); Airto Moreira, percussion (mp3) 6. Gabriel (Lackner) (mp3) 7. Get Out and Stay Out (Rabuchin) (mp3) 8. Wig (Mair) (mp3) 9. Hungry Ghosts (Lackner/Woodard); Bruce Winter, vocal 10. #26 (Rabuchin) 11. Barter a Samba (Woodard); Airto Moreira, percussion (mp3) 12. Bring Grandma (Woodard) (mp3) 13. The Kindness of Strangers (Woodard); Glen Philips, vocal, Ellen Turner, vocal, Trey Henry, tuba mp3
Photography and design: Kim Reierson
Back cover artwork by Sam Woodard
Copyright, 1998
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